New member experience.

Open day (second session).

I enjoyed the event and in particular one lady very kindly spent time with me which included an exercise that I could adopt on my own. She also advised on the type of bowl that may be better for an indoor surface game.


Coaching session (one off)

I found the session very helpful with advice as to how to hold the bowl and deliver the shot. The whole experience was in a very friendly environment and we all had ample time to actually practice with available club bowls.

Meet and greet afternoon.

I attended the session and found it a very relaxed way to meet other newcomers and the committee. The tea and cakes certainly helped to put us all in the right frame of mind.



As a result of the above I am now an active beginner at Herts B.C.



I have found the roll-ups are a perfect way to get involved in the activities of the club. I have found all the players on my rink exceedingly friendly and more than willing to assist and pass on their knowledge and experience. I am often praised even when all three bowls are short of the jack and probably in the way of the number two and skip. Maybe just kindness but still nice to receive.