Enjoy the Generation Game and the atmosphere

First Class Coaching

We run coaching sessions throughout the year, primarily aimed at all new members, whatever their age. These take place on our Indoor or Outdoor greens depending on the season and are designed to be as informal and friendly as possible.

Our qualified County coaches along with our team of support coaches are available to support and help our new recruits as well as our members who are looking to improve their game.

Our Coaching aims are to cover the following basics:                                   

  • Introduction to the game and coach new members to a standard where they feel comfortable to put their name down for friendly matches.
  • Learn how to use the equipment.
  • Look at the etiquette and rules of the game.
  • Establish a good and repetitive technique.
  • Play various formats of the game ie. Singles, Pairs, Triples and Fours.
  • Improve their game skills with progressive and fun challenges.

Online Coaching Videos

Having an appreciation of a tried and tested technique, however, will help you play the best game you can. The links to online coaching videos below are given to help with this.

Selecting the bowl:  Having the correct bowl for the size of your hand and ensuring it is of the correct weight for you is vital. This video will help highlight some of the key points you should consider when choosing a set of Bowls.

The Grip:   How should you hold the bowl to ensure the best delivery.

The Stance:    Position of feet and body, what are the alternatives

Delivery:    The most important part of bowling. Take some advice from this expert.

Delivery Line:     How should the bowl travel to the jack?

Common Faults:     How many of these do you have? Let’s eliminate them one at a time.

The Draw Shot:       The one we always want to achieve, let this coach give you advice on how to make the perfect draw.

However, we cannot be held responsible for any breakages or injuries you may incur when using any of these online coaching videos

Dress Code:     

 Is totally informal for practice sessions (roll ups) although we do ask attendees to wear bowls shoes if possible otherwise bring flat soled shoes to help protect the greens.                  

All Bowling balls and supporting equipment is provided FREE, so please do not worry about purchasing equipment. 

All coaching sessions are flagged up on our club notice boards and web site.

If you require any further information about coaching then please contact Tom Llewellin or Su Ford on 01923 239981 or email info@hertsbowlingclub.co.uk


Your playing enjoyment is derived on the bowling green. The green is prepared by a green keeper and please remember that he has a difficult job.  Often he is endeavouring to maintain a playing surface under adverse conditions. He is striving to grow grass for us to play on under all weather conditions. On our part we walk continually over the green, placing the mat without any consideration for wear; expecting to play afternoon and evening up to seven days a week. The result is that fair wear shows in patches, or some disease develops on the green and the Green keeper is criticised for his incompetence. Never approach the Green keeper regarding any criticism of the green, go to the Chairman, or better still do not complain at all. Help them by your thoughtfulness and tolerance; knowing that they are endeavouring to give you the best conditions possible and simply must protect the green against too much play. Do nothing to damage the green, either in your delivery or in any other way.


I think you will find that you will get out of a game of Bowls just what you put into it. Your approach should be one of enthusiasm, friendliness, good fellowship and tolerance. By your desire to learn the game and accept responsibilities as a good member you will quickly be accepted by the more experienced members. Remember it is the calibre of individual members which combine to make a Club.


The little extras that give this wonderful game of Bowls it’s great charm. Friendly sporting acts towards your team mates and opponents are appreciated and are reciprocated.  Acts including; keeping still whilst others are delivering their bowls, stand behind the jack and away from the head, commendation of a good shot by a team member or opponent; being frank in admitting a fluke when you receive one.


Bowls is a relatively simple game. The action required to deliver a bowl based on a natural physical movement. The beginner is often able, within a relatively short period of time, to bowl with some measure of success. It can be the case, that anyone visiting a Bowls Club would find a member who would introduce them to the game of Bowls.


Singles:     When two players bowl four bowls alternately, the winner bring the first player to 21 shots.

Pairs:          Two players constitute a team, the leads play four bowls alternately followed by the skips. The skip is also in charge of the tactical development of the game. 21 ends constitute a game. The winner being the pair who have scored the most shots at the end of 21 ends.

Triples:      Constituted by three players. Lead, second and Skip and played over 18 ends. Each player bowls three bowls alternately. The winners are the team scoring most shots at the end of 18 ends.

Fours:      A team of four players who bowl two bowls alternately for 21 ends. Leads, seconds third and Skip. The winners bring the team with the most shots after 21 ends.

Players Positions and responsibilities

Each player in the team has certain duties to perform during the game, these are:


     Lay the mat

     Deliver the Jack

     Delivers mainly draw shots to any good foundation for the development of the head


  • Records the progress of the game on the rink scoreboard b). Should be capable and versatile player as he may be called upon to play all types of shots


  • Acts as the measures to determine the number of shots scored at each end b). Directs the skip in his choice of shot to play c). Must have a good knowledge of the laws of the game d). Should be a versatile and experienced player


  • Tosses the coin with his opponent for the right of possession of the mat at the start of the game;
  • Introduces the team to the opposition;
  • Directs the development of the head;
  • Needs to have a good knowledge of the laws and a sound knowledge of the game;
  • Should be a good tactician, a natural leader, realising that the basis of good teamwork is acceptable leadership;
  • Should be capable, experienced and versatile exponent of the game since he/she is in charge of the four;
  •  Keeps record of the score on the scorecard.